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KILLER by Lasith Malinga

Lasith Malinga image of writing his book KILLER

After retiring from cricket, I have been repeatedly requested by those who played alongside me, and those who liked the way I played the game, to recollect the experience I gained playing cricket. They requested me to tell the world my story, explaining how difficult the journey was to become an international cricketer from being a schoolboy cricketer, and the hardships encountered during this journey.


I was also requested to reveal to the world, worthy and meaningful content, that not only be acquired as knowledge by those who are pursuing a career in cricket as amateurs, but also speaks to the minds of those who love the game of cricket. Compared to my playing days, the situations and challenges faced by the present-day cricketers, especially fast bowlers, are different. Personally, my objective is not only to share with those who love the game, about how I entered cricket and the accompanying challenges. Instead, I attempt to show a path to those who will play cricket at school, club, and international levels to make their journeys successful, and help them stay at the top of their game throughout their careers, by adding valuable insights/ideas to their knowledge.


Hence, I wish to impart knowledge filled with facts, which are important to all who take part and are interested in cricket. This will cover topics like the types of deliveries that can be used in cricket, the benefits that can be derived from those deliveries, how to read a game tactically, and how to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the batter, as well as yourself on your own. I am genuinely happy to share the knowledge I have gathered through learnings and practical experience of playing 20 years of professional cricket, in a concise form through my own book.


The facts stated in this book aren’t deliveries or situations invented by me, instead they have always existed in cricket and remained unchanged throughout many years. Driven by my researching ability and never-ending desire to find out about and analyze the above aspects, my objective is to inspire you also, to identify the types of deliveries and situations encountered during a game and seek results using those newfound deliveries. To make your cricketing journey successful, it’s entirely your responsibility to read the content that’s presented in this book, note down, understand, experiment during practice sessions, and thereafter try and execute in game situations. I strongly request you not to read this book repeatedly, for the purpose of enjoyment alone. Instead, read this book repeatedly for understanding and application of the principles it contains.


Before you dive into the book, let me share a piece of advice which has stayed close to my heart, throughout my career.

"If you can’t endure pain, you shall let go of the game."

Separamadu Milton & Swarna Thenuwara (Lasith Malinga’s parents)

Big Match Fever

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